Dear visitor, on this page you will find more information about the forgotten composers featuring our productions. This page will be updated frequently. 


Hendrik Tobi (1741-1809)

Region: Low Countries, Antwerp

A forgotten virtuoso clarinettist from Antwerp 

Tobi was first placed on the musicological map by Godelieve Spiessens, writing in the arts yearbooks of the province of Antwerp. Indeed the lifetime of research Spiessens has devoted to this period has been invaluable to this project, particularly as information about other composers has come to light as well. 


Hébert Leemans (1741-1771)

Region: Low Countries - Paris

Bruges – Paris The remarkable career of Hébert Leemans

A man from Bruges in Paris 
There was no shortage of Flemish migrants in Paris in the first half of the 18th century. They were often skilled 2 craftsmen, attracted by the largest market for luxury goods in Europe in what had been an era of peace, stability and economic development since the death of Louis XIV in 1715. The Flemish migrants followed an age-old pattern....


Joannes Adamus Faber (ca. 1692-1759)

Region: Low Countries, Antwerp

The circumstances surrounding the composition of the Missa Maria

Assumpta by Joannes Adamus Josephus Faber (ca. 1692-1759) for the Cathedral of Our Lady in Antwerp in 1720, constitute one of the riddles of the development of the clarinet repertoire.

The handwritten score of this mass forms part of the exhibition of the Vleeshuis museum in Antwerp, where it is on loan from the Library Royal Conservatoire Antwerp (B-Ac ms.59708). It contains one of the earliest known parts for clarinet. 


Joseph Ryelandt (1870-1965)

Region: Bruges, Flanders

‘A composer’. How else could we describe the professional activities of a man? On a professional level, Ryelandt did nothing except compose music from the last decade of the 19th century until his appointment as director of the Bruges conservatory in 1924. 

De Croes

Henri Joseph de Croes (1756-1791)

Region: Low Countries & Regensburg

The superb court library of the Thurn und Taxis family in Regensburg contains many musical treasures, including the music of the almost forgotten Belgian composer Henri Joseph de Croes. Given that he composed works for the clarinetto d’amore, an instrument that is also practically forgotten, he immediately becomes twice as interesting.


Amand Vanderhagen (1753-1822)

Region: Low Countries - Paris

An Imperial Clarinet Player

Born in Antwerp and trained in Antwerp and Brussels, Amand Vanderhagen would have a crucial role to play in the re-organization of the musical scene in Paris during the revolutionary period and the Empire. 


Jean Antoine Tuerlinckx (1753-1827)

Region: Low Countries

The Tuerlinckx workshops were active in Mechelen successively under the Austrian, French and Dutch regimes but ceased trading in about 1840.