Developing The Classical Repertoire

Curious about a bigger picture in musical history? Our inquisitive nature brings you fresh views on famous masterpieces, as well as truly interesting discoveries of historically related music.”
Mais la palme revient à un ensemble instrumental rendant magnifiquement justice à une palette de timbres étonnante. ” - SOPHIE ROUGHOL



Once in a while a disc lands on my desk with music by a composer I had never heard of. Johan Adam - or Joannes Adamus Josephus - Faber has no entry in New Grove and very little about him is known” - Johan van Veen


Since 2012, Terra Nova Collective unites the artistic and creative vision of Vlad Weverbergh, and the historical and musicological insights of David Vergauwen. Their collaboration seeks out new repertoire and new ways of presenting it.”


David Vergauwen

The research and dramaturgy of David Vergauwen form an integral part of Terra Nova Collective’s profile.

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