David Vergauwen

The research and dramaturgy of David Vergauwen form an integral part of Terra Nova Collective’s profile. Musicological research is embedded in a bigger perspective on history and the arts, reflecting David’s personal interests and studies. David is also an active member of Amarant, specialised in modern painting, opera and the history of music, with a preference for Belgian music. 

David Vergauwen studied History, Art History and Musicology at the University of Ghent and Brussels and graduated with a PhD in History. He has written monographs on aspects of freemasonry, and of priesthood in the Middle Ages. He is a regular contributor to publications in his fields of study. 

David Vergauwen teaches Art History in Bruges and is Research Fellow at the University of Antwerp and the Conservatoire. Amongst other endeavours, he currently contributes to a 2020 museum exhibition and concert series on The Late Romantic Era in Bruges, centered around the composer Joseph Ryelandt.